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Friday, May 02, 2008

| | | Dubai | | |

Strangest one in a long time. Epic as well.

It begins with finding out I'm to go on a trip. I have short notice and pack quickly. Before I know it, I'm on a plane. Like in a film, I just get a couple images of being at the airport, then falling asleep on the plane.

I wake up and find myself in Dubai (someone mentioned going to Dubai at the shop yesterday, I believe). Since I've never been there, or seen many pictures, I'm sure it looks nothing like Dubai. It turns out that after we land the plane, we have to also take a boat to where we're going. I think Dubai is totally landlocked in reality, but in my dream, we take a huge cruise-like luxury boat to where we're going. The voyage is eventful, but I don't remember much of it now. I remember during the cruise that we pass many other boats of differing levels of luxury. A huge line of them. And someone hands me a card that says "A gift for our christian guests,". I remember being momentarily taken aback that they assume a westerner is christian, but then I think it might be worse to believe in no god than to merely be christian and not muslim. The card showed the long line of boats. It was like multiple pages and I kept turning the pages and there were more boats of different types and I look up and pretty much see the same boats in reality, not drawn. At the end it said something, but I can't remember it now, unfortunately. I also remember walking through parts of the boat, including through an indoor pool area. It's very much a party atmosphere, much more debaucherous and decadent than one would expect.

We arrive at our destination and I begin walking around. I realize that in my haste I've forgotten my camera. I see many wonderful things...archictecture, people, landscape. I mention wishing I had a camera to someone (I don't recognize anyone in this dream), and they're sympathetic. I wake up for a moment, fall back asleep, remember again I forgot my camera and then think, "I can't take pictures of my dream anyway."

As I navigate the landscape it's very much like navigating through a video game or something. I move very liquidly and don't fatigue. I find myself walking anywhere I like without much direction (kind of like second life) and actually entering buildings that are not clearly marked even if they resemble a private residence.

One such building I enter and there are people inside and they only take minor notice of me. There are people in several rooms. In one room I encounter a musical instrument. It is a string instrument, shaped like a short, squat guitar. It has 5 tuning keys to adjust the strings. But I notice there are two strings for each key, giving it 10 strings. But then I notice that in the base of the instrument, there are interlocking rotating mechanisms. Imagine almost puzzle pieces that spin. I reach out and flip one of the puzzle pieces. It spins and makes a very eastern-sounding musical tone. I spin a couple other pieces and the sound is very beautiful and complicated for absently "strumming" it. If you run your fingers over an inert guitar's strings, for example, it makes a not-terrible noise, but it makes a noise that is pretty much facile, sonically, as one would expect.

A guy enters the room and picks up the instrument and begins playing it and he makes a very complicated song and I think he talks about the instrument, but I don't remember now. He may also ask what I'm doing in Dubai.

Much later, after I've woken and fallen back to sleep a number of times. I find myself at a bar and there are these three young guys who are drunk and rowdy. They look a little like club kids, but they're not quite so done up. Like off-duty club kids (one of them has several pearl facial peircings, which might have been my only clue, but I just got the sense in general). Anyway, two of them gang up on the third and they sort of fight but no one is taking them seriously. Indeed, they're so drunk, they don't seem like they could really do much damage - they're pretty much stumbling and pushing one another. A nearby woman says something about how this is foreplay, pretty much and sure enough one of the guys grabs the other and starts kissing him and basically a mini-porno begins.

Brian posted at 6:26 AM.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

| | | numbers on a watch | | |

All the numerals on my watch had fallen off and were moving around loosely in the face of my watch.

Brian posted at 10:12 AM.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

| | | Flying Car Chase with Robot/Alien | | |

We were in a convertible flying car about 8 stories up. A robot/alien was chasing us in his own flying car. I don't know why he was chasing us. I don't even know who "us" was. I just know someone was in the car with me. We circled around a building and went into a nose dive toward the ground and then veer into a carport and park. We see the robot/alien park outside the carport and get out of his flying car. We hope desperately he won't think to look in here, but of course he does. He doesn't even hesitate. When I'm chased in my dreams, the chaser doesn't have to look for me, they always just know. It's been that way forever. Even when I was little and dreamt in Scooby-Doo vision and the green glowing amphibious robots that come out of the telephone lines walked right up to the barrel I was hiding in and opened the lid to find me inside, quivering. You'd think I'd realize it and lose the suspense, but no. Anyway, he walks toward us and I open fire with my laser gun, but to no avail. He is hit and even winces, but he doesn't really slow down. He is almost upon us.

Then I wake up.

Brian posted at 11:51 AM.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

| | | Part Poetry, Part Iron Man, Part Spy, Part Mega Man | | |

I'm a student of poetry. I think I'm also a student of espionage. If I'm not, there's some sort of espionage or spying going on. There's the transferrence of information. The information is incomplete without the right agent, with the right understanding of a specific cypher and the right piece of information in that language. Only he'll be able to understand what it means. And only together, with the other students/agents will we all be able to figure out what's going on.

Throughout, I am shifting environments and bodies. Sometimes I am a small boy. Sometimes I am in a suit of armor like that of Iron Man but for a small boy, like in the Mega Man game. Sometimes I am in an elaborate sci-fi complex. I can't tell if it's a building, or a city so built up that one can't distinguish indoors from outdoors. But then I remember coming out of the this structure and then I am a boy again. And I'm on the back deck of a suburban home. It's a two or three-story building and the deck is HUGE. As often in dreams, I can jump down about twenty steps at a time, lightly, like the characters in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It's an awesome ability.

I descend one story and re-enter the building and it is the sci-fi environment again. I'm still a boy, though. The "professor" is talking about me with some of the other faculty. They're talking above me. They are seven feet tall while I am about two and a half.

They talk a little about poetry. They talk about the quantum possibilities between every word in a poem. I'm sure they talked more about poetry, but I only remember this quantum possibility thing.

Then they start talking about my armor. About how I put on this shielding, and it's such a shame. Meanwhile, I'm putting it back on, ignoring them. Smiling. They talk about my shielding as though it's metaphorical, and maybe it is.

But then I go into another room and there is a giant boy in there, and I in my suit climb into the giant boy through a whole in his stomach. Then the giant boy goes into another room where there is another suit of giant white armor and gets into that. All the while, the professors continue talking about me.

The giant suit is smiling and launches right out into space and I am flying away from the earth toward the stars when I wake up.

Brian posted at 9:26 AM.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

| | | MICE! | | |

I don't really remember anything about it except there were lots of mice crawling around the apartment.

Last night I cleaned my apartment pretty hardcore and a mouse that was living somewhere around my microwave left lots of little presents for me and it was pretty gross to clean up. At one point I was vacuuming and the vacuum rolled up behind me and tapped my shoulder and I guess I thought it was either a giant mouse or a small mouse parachuting down cuz I jumped in the air and gasped. It was pretty funny. I laughed too.

Brian posted at 3:33 PM.

Monday, October 02, 2006

| | | Two | | |

The other day I dreamt that I moved to a new apartment and I had a bigger kitchen and I was excited because I can take out my blender and make protein shakes. When I woke up, I was so disappointed.

Days before that, I was driving in the passenger side of a car with my mom. She was driving really fast and swerving through traffic and didn't notice that she was swerving and going into the oncoming traffic. She insisted that every thing was fine. We kept almost colliding with oncoming traffic. I was yelling for her to stop the car, but she wouldn't. She even rolled over the embankment and down a hill, but we miraculously rolled back onto our wheels and continued on in the traffic at the bottom of the hill.

Finally, we stopped at a red light and I got out of the car and forcibly removed her from the driver's seat. It was very scary.

Brian posted at 5:18 PM.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

| | | Dreams - Various and Sundry | | |

I've been having fitful sleep lately. Waking at odd hours, or at multiple times throughout the morning. Racecar has been sleeping in his own bed beside mine sometimes when I wake up. I guess I may be thrashing as well. This morning I let myself sleep pretty late, succumbing to dreams. I don't remember most of any of the dreams, and they're all disconnected, but I remember fragments.

I first awoke around 4 a.m. from what seemed a nightmare. I awoke with a start. Whatever woke me was instantly out of my consciousness. My throat was parched so I went to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water. Racecare merely watched, didn't get out of bed with me. I got back into bed and sat up against the wall against which my bed sits. I was pretty devoid of any sort of real thought. I was kind of vaguely aware of the fact that I was alone (in a profound way, not an obvious way) and that it was 4 a.m. and I must be having some sort of anxiety to be waking with a start.

In another dream, I was back in Raleigh. I don't remember any other thing about it beside some weird thing where badge or something with a sequence of three numbers or letters had some effect on one's appearance, kind of like an outfit. Like, "oh, you're wearing the 3gc again today, that works for you."

In another dream, I was walking with a group of children. They were somehow under my care. Like I was a teacher or a camp counsellor. We were walking through twilight toward the home of this woman. She owns all these antiques and she has a habit of giving them away. Somehow, all the children disappear. The woman reminds me that she gave me a sculpture of a pig that was owned by the aunt of Franklin Roosevelt and if it ever "got out" that she owned it..."well, who would want to protect this information?"

In yet another, someone decided to make a live-action zombie game on the grounds of a large school campus. Zombies were everywhere, attacking students. People were running around the building (we were in a very large dorm). I remember only a few things about this as well. I hid on top of some arcade games in a game room, but decided I wasn't hidden enough. I remember jumping down a half-flight of stairs and executing a flying kick into a zombie. I also vaguely remember this part where I was strapped in by a bunch of cables which enabled me to jump around a room really light-footedly.

Thinking of that now, it reminds me of a dream I had last week where I was at this lake resort. There's this huge pole in the center of the lake, to which is attached a rope. I'm on waterskis and something is propelling me forward and I go over a ramp and am launched into the air and sort of soar up and down through the air. I love dreams where I'm in some sort of freefall.

Brian posted at 11:55 AM.