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Sunday, August 19, 2007

| | | Flying Car Chase with Robot/Alien | | |

We were in a convertible flying car about 8 stories up. A robot/alien was chasing us in his own flying car. I don't know why he was chasing us. I don't even know who "us" was. I just know someone was in the car with me. We circled around a building and went into a nose dive toward the ground and then veer into a carport and park. We see the robot/alien park outside the carport and get out of his flying car. We hope desperately he won't think to look in here, but of course he does. He doesn't even hesitate. When I'm chased in my dreams, the chaser doesn't have to look for me, they always just know. It's been that way forever. Even when I was little and dreamt in Scooby-Doo vision and the green glowing amphibious robots that come out of the telephone lines walked right up to the barrel I was hiding in and opened the lid to find me inside, quivering. You'd think I'd realize it and lose the suspense, but no. Anyway, he walks toward us and I open fire with my laser gun, but to no avail. He is hit and even winces, but he doesn't really slow down. He is almost upon us.

Then I wake up.

Brian posted at 11:51 AM.