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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

| | | Part Poetry, Part Iron Man, Part Spy, Part Mega Man | | |

I'm a student of poetry. I think I'm also a student of espionage. If I'm not, there's some sort of espionage or spying going on. There's the transferrence of information. The information is incomplete without the right agent, with the right understanding of a specific cypher and the right piece of information in that language. Only he'll be able to understand what it means. And only together, with the other students/agents will we all be able to figure out what's going on.

Throughout, I am shifting environments and bodies. Sometimes I am a small boy. Sometimes I am in a suit of armor like that of Iron Man but for a small boy, like in the Mega Man game. Sometimes I am in an elaborate sci-fi complex. I can't tell if it's a building, or a city so built up that one can't distinguish indoors from outdoors. But then I remember coming out of the this structure and then I am a boy again. And I'm on the back deck of a suburban home. It's a two or three-story building and the deck is HUGE. As often in dreams, I can jump down about twenty steps at a time, lightly, like the characters in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It's an awesome ability.

I descend one story and re-enter the building and it is the sci-fi environment again. I'm still a boy, though. The "professor" is talking about me with some of the other faculty. They're talking above me. They are seven feet tall while I am about two and a half.

They talk a little about poetry. They talk about the quantum possibilities between every word in a poem. I'm sure they talked more about poetry, but I only remember this quantum possibility thing.

Then they start talking about my armor. About how I put on this shielding, and it's such a shame. Meanwhile, I'm putting it back on, ignoring them. Smiling. They talk about my shielding as though it's metaphorical, and maybe it is.

But then I go into another room and there is a giant boy in there, and I in my suit climb into the giant boy through a whole in his stomach. Then the giant boy goes into another room where there is another suit of giant white armor and gets into that. All the while, the professors continue talking about me.

The giant suit is smiling and launches right out into space and I am flying away from the earth toward the stars when I wake up.

Brian posted at 9:26 AM.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

| | | MICE! | | |

I don't really remember anything about it except there were lots of mice crawling around the apartment.

Last night I cleaned my apartment pretty hardcore and a mouse that was living somewhere around my microwave left lots of little presents for me and it was pretty gross to clean up. At one point I was vacuuming and the vacuum rolled up behind me and tapped my shoulder and I guess I thought it was either a giant mouse or a small mouse parachuting down cuz I jumped in the air and gasped. It was pretty funny. I laughed too.

Brian posted at 3:33 PM.

Monday, October 02, 2006

| | | Two | | |

The other day I dreamt that I moved to a new apartment and I had a bigger kitchen and I was excited because I can take out my blender and make protein shakes. When I woke up, I was so disappointed.

Days before that, I was driving in the passenger side of a car with my mom. She was driving really fast and swerving through traffic and didn't notice that she was swerving and going into the oncoming traffic. She insisted that every thing was fine. We kept almost colliding with oncoming traffic. I was yelling for her to stop the car, but she wouldn't. She even rolled over the embankment and down a hill, but we miraculously rolled back onto our wheels and continued on in the traffic at the bottom of the hill.

Finally, we stopped at a red light and I got out of the car and forcibly removed her from the driver's seat. It was very scary.

Brian posted at 5:18 PM.