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Sunday, September 10, 2006

| | | Dreams - Various and Sundry | | |

I've been having fitful sleep lately. Waking at odd hours, or at multiple times throughout the morning. Racecar has been sleeping in his own bed beside mine sometimes when I wake up. I guess I may be thrashing as well. This morning I let myself sleep pretty late, succumbing to dreams. I don't remember most of any of the dreams, and they're all disconnected, but I remember fragments.

I first awoke around 4 a.m. from what seemed a nightmare. I awoke with a start. Whatever woke me was instantly out of my consciousness. My throat was parched so I went to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water. Racecare merely watched, didn't get out of bed with me. I got back into bed and sat up against the wall against which my bed sits. I was pretty devoid of any sort of real thought. I was kind of vaguely aware of the fact that I was alone (in a profound way, not an obvious way) and that it was 4 a.m. and I must be having some sort of anxiety to be waking with a start.

In another dream, I was back in Raleigh. I don't remember any other thing about it beside some weird thing where badge or something with a sequence of three numbers or letters had some effect on one's appearance, kind of like an outfit. Like, "oh, you're wearing the 3gc again today, that works for you."

In another dream, I was walking with a group of children. They were somehow under my care. Like I was a teacher or a camp counsellor. We were walking through twilight toward the home of this woman. She owns all these antiques and she has a habit of giving them away. Somehow, all the children disappear. The woman reminds me that she gave me a sculpture of a pig that was owned by the aunt of Franklin Roosevelt and if it ever "got out" that she owned it..."well, who would want to protect this information?"

In yet another, someone decided to make a live-action zombie game on the grounds of a large school campus. Zombies were everywhere, attacking students. People were running around the building (we were in a very large dorm). I remember only a few things about this as well. I hid on top of some arcade games in a game room, but decided I wasn't hidden enough. I remember jumping down a half-flight of stairs and executing a flying kick into a zombie. I also vaguely remember this part where I was strapped in by a bunch of cables which enabled me to jump around a room really light-footedly.

Thinking of that now, it reminds me of a dream I had last week where I was at this lake resort. There's this huge pole in the center of the lake, to which is attached a rope. I'm on waterskis and something is propelling me forward and I go over a ramp and am launched into the air and sort of soar up and down through the air. I love dreams where I'm in some sort of freefall.

Brian posted at 11:55 AM.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

| | | Livin' on a Bridge | | |

I lived on this really big bridge, kind of like the Golden Gate Bridge, but not quite so high up from the surface of the water. Probably like 30 feet up. I literally lived on the bridge. There wasn't a house, just my furniture was out in the open. It was dark. Though it wasn't raining, the water was very tumultuous and waves were rising. Me and some guy were waiting to leave to go somewhere, on a date, I think. I mentioned that the bridge's football team had a game tonight. The guy asked me if they'd won their last game, and I said that I didn't have the faintest idea. Then I said that the waves were getting pretty high and that maybe we should go in case they reached the bridge level and right after I said this, they start getting to our height. We get a little wet. He says that it was because I said it that they got high. I thought I was just being realistic.

Just before that scene, though, I was laying on the couch with this mystery person and my friend George and it was kind of awkward. George had this understanding look on his face, but it was also kind of disappointed. It was then that I realized that this other guy shouldn't be there, but it felt too late.

Brian posted at 8:34 AM.

Friday, September 01, 2006

| | | Marvel Nemesis + Porn = Jason Statham? | | |

My subconscious mind mingled the last two things I did last night before I went to bed. First I was playing Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects and then I watched some porn. Really, can one think of a better synthesis for a dream?

I was on some sort of mission with my employee, JoAnn. I guess we were stealing something. We were maybe on the fifth floor of a building. We had to get to this room, but there were some construction workers working. JoAnn creates a distraction and one of them comes out of the room they're working in. She has hidden up in the rafters somehow and as he walks beneath her, she jumps down, kicking him in the head and he falls unconscious.

I go over to his prone body. He is very handsome and looks a little like that actor Jason Statham, except actually a little more beefy, hairier, and a little better-looking.

I quickly think we need to tie him up, because JoAnn weighs about 90 pounds and how much damage could she have possibly done (and, come to think of it, how'd she get in my dream and be my partner)?

There're extension cords all over the place so I grab one, but it's tangle in another so it's cumbersome and I'm trying to wrap his wrists and not doing a very good job and I'm afraid to move him but as I do I notice that not only are his pants open, but he's sporting wood. I look up at his face and he's got this little half-smile on, but I don't think he's conscious, more that he subconsciously likes to be dominated, so now I'm extra scared he's gonna wake up and take out his fear of his fantasies on me. But also I can help myself and while I'm trying to tie his wrists I touch down there a couple of times.

He wakes up. He's pissed. He immediately starts struggling.

JoAnn tells me to hold him while she takes care of the other guy.

Me and my guy struggle a little bit more and he breaks one of his hands free (me and my crappy knot skills). Soon he's totally free and he's chasing me around the room. I pull a run-under-a-table move and bolt out the door and down the steps. He's following me, but I'm faster. I get out of the building and make it to the next building where my car is. That's really all I remember.

Brian posted at 8:43 AM.