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Friday, August 18, 2006

| | | happening in new york | | |

I was walking down the street in New York, visiting. Only the street looked more like a combination of Fullerton, in Chicago and maybe State Road down in Burbank. It was nighttime. There were all of these people dressed in brown friar robes kneeling down in a very organized fashion, like they were about to stand and sing for a choir, on the front steps of this building which either looked like a church or a college dorm. There were a few other people, including a couple standing in the median in the middle of the street, one dressed like a nun and the other a priest. I realized almost immediately that these were artists and had set up some sort of art happening. I immediately wanted to go get my camera so I turned around and tried to start running. The apartment where I was staying was only about 4 blocks away. But something was wrong with me and I couldn't run. I tried with all my strength to run, but all I could do was move in a sort of slow motion. It was like I was underwater. I moved like I was running, but moved at almost less than a walking pace.

For whatever reasons I stopped at a restaurant and a cash station on the way back (in that order), though I didn't get food and I don't remember getting cash. When I get back to the apartment, I think I'm staying with my friend Marco, only his apartment is on the ground floor of a sort of courtyard building and his storm door is open and in the time that I'm there to get my camera, I sit down and rest on the couch for a few minutes and three different men come by the screen door and ask if Marco's there. I don't know or recognize these guys, but they're all really attractive.

I finally leave back for the happening, and I can run again. But I get there and they've already dispersed. I get not a single picture. I see a couple of them walking around partially in their costumes, going about their ways.

Brian posted at 10:01 AM.