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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

| | | 5 headed terapin | | |

Is that how you spell it?

Anyway, I was living back in my childhood home, which is no longer there. There're two houses on the old lot.

Mike was there. Together we had a five headed turtle. Only one of the heads got squished. It was a baby, still, but very big, like about the size of a larger serving platter. Where the head should've been on the one that was squished was just this little bit of yellow-green slime. I felt bad for it. And I wondered if the rest of the animal would die if the brain of one was dead.

Brian posted at 12:24 PM.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

| | | Work and an ocean sunset | | |

I was working. It was toward the end of the night. Some girl, a patient, comes in and is waiting for an exam. I'm looking for a clip board to give her so she can fill out her paperwork. It's taking me forever. I keep finding other things I need to do. I keep feeling like the doctor's busy, so I have more time, but I finally realize that the doctor's not been in an exam for a while and we're all waiting for this last exam and it's already past the time we normally close.

Later, I'm on vacation somewhere on the ocean. We're at a bar that's right up on the water, with only maybe 50 feet of sand between the bar and the water. Joe P, who used to be my boss at Crobar is working the door. In my dream I guess he's gay. I go over by him by the door and I put my arm around his waist (he's really tall, so I couldn't put my arm around his shoulders if I wanted to). He looks down at me and pulls me outside. He points up in the sky and says, "look, the suns changing positions," which I assume means "the sun's setting."

It's black as night out, but the sky is tinged in places with this vibrant red that is so unearthly. It's very beautiful.

Before I know it, Joe has picked me up and he's running into the water. I can't tell if the water is cold or not, but I'm freaking out a bit. He spins in a circle and sort of hammer throws me into the ocean. I fly an impossible distance for an impossible time and it's then that I realize that I'm high on something that screws with my perception of time. This freaks me out even more. As I fly away from Joe, everything disappears except for the ocean. The bar, the beach, the light of the sky, mostly. I wake up before I actually hit the water.

Brian posted at 9:34 AM.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

| | | alliance | | |

I had the day off.

I had for some reason won a car rental. I decided to give it as a gift to the boys of Alliance Bakery. It was a truck, actually. So many of them piled into it. The took it somewhere, but I think it was so crowded that they parked it instead and skateboarded away from it.

Later I was skateboarding with Gnat and Claude. We were going up 163rd street in Tinley Park, but it had a slight grade, which made it laborious. We all walked our boards. On the corner of Parliament (my childhood street) and 163rd, where once was a house was instead a school. I walk through the inside and many of the girls who work at alliance are in class and so is Mike Ganz. He waves at me.

Just before I wake up this morning I dream of this really beautifully built guy with tattoos walking naked down a hallway. This reminds me to go to the gym. That is why I'm up right now. Ugh. Weird.

Brian posted at 8:04 AM.