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Friday, February 24, 2006

| | | Out of Time | | |

This morning I dreamt back to my middle-childhood neighborhood. Specifically, the neighbors who lived behind me. I can't remember my age in the dream, though I do remember driving at some point in the dream. I don't remember a plot either. I remember driving past my own home and thinking that my mother is inside, unable to walk (which is how things are now, over ten years after this house is torn down, two taking its place on the same lot).

I remember entering my friends' house. As I come in, their mother is walking passed me, toward the door. I greet her in Spanish and she responds. It isn't until she is about 5 feet behind me that I realize it is Stephanie and not her mother. I say aloud, quietly, "It's Stephanie." Someone in front of me says, "yes." Then I say how much alike they look.

Later I find myself in Michelle's room, looking for something. Suddenly I am naked and I am scrambling to put my clothes back on and yet again suddenly, Michelle is in the room and I'm covering myself. This all happens in near-darkness, which I remember their house often being.

When I awoke from this dream, I was so discombobulated, I didn't know when or where I was or if I was going to have someone sleeping next to me. I was completely out-of-time. As soon as I saw my comforter, though, which I've only been sleeping with since I've been living in this apartment, I knew when I was and that I was supposed to be alone.

Brian posted at 7:01 AM.