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Friday, December 16, 2005

| | | Mutant Attack Flip!!! | | |

I am in someone's apartment. I am a mutant (like in the Marvel Universe, like an X-Man). One of us detects that we are about to be raided.

There is a long hallway between the main living area and the entrance. I look down this hallway and notice the intruders. Sabretooth is there. He whips this small disc about the size of a silver dollar pancake down the hall. I know this to be a bomb. I catch it and throw it back. He catches it and throws it back. We do this a few times. I wonder why it doesn't blow up already. It is like we are playing a friendly game of frisbee or hot potato except I am freaking out cuz I know it's going to blow. Finally, he throws it and as I catch it, it begins to vibrate, kind of like those pagers in restaurants. I frantically throw it again and it still doesn't blow up. We go back and forth a couple more times and it finally blows up somewhere between us and them. Their attack ensues.

The attack is lost to my subconscious mostly. I remember there were several other mutants in the attack, but I'm fairly certain none of the other ones could be Trademarked to Marvel comics nor any other comic book franchise. I remember one of the attackers had blue flame coming from his hands. I also remember being cut on my body many times. Deep cuts, but small, like stab wounds.

I also remember toward the end of the battle I go and hide under an end table next to a couch. The battle is won by our side and I can't really remember anything after this.

* * *

Later I have a dream involving a train. There's this train a little like the one in Batman Returns, except it's not quite so high off the ground. It's only about three stories up. I guess it's very similar to our EL, but just a little higher maybe?

Anyway, I just remember getting off the train and someone pushes me off the platform. I survive the fall OK and get up. Then I look up and I see everyone on the platform is angry at me. If it hadn't been the guy who pushed me, it would've been someone else. They're all angry at me and yelling obscenities which I can't remember. I've failed them somehow, I think.

* * *

Later again I dream that I wake up (I'm spending the night at my bf Dave's house) and I find this porno and put it in and it's one of those pornos with a plot and for guest non-porn actors there's Tom Hanks and some other famous actor I can't remember now and I think it's really odd and also think it must be a very good porno if Tom Hanks makes a cameo appearance.

I remember the opening credits scene and it mostly stars all these young boys and these very weird-looking older guys, one of whom looks like an old Jesus and the a couple of them wear baseball caps and you never even see their face.

Brian posted at 8:43 AM.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

| | | Zombies vs. Pole Vaulters | | |

It seemed like a trailer for a new action film. The action was stilted and I couldn't really tell what was going on. At times I felt I was in the action and at others I felt like I was merely watching. The overall mood was very dark, the sky grey, but it wasn't dark out. The world was being overrun by zombies. The travelling pole-vaulting team was the only hope. They go on trying to use their pole vaulting skills to somehow save the day. I remember this one girl pulls this stationary pole to the ground waiting for a train to come while all these zombies surround her. I guess she's trying to lure the zombies or something. I dunno. There's not a lot I remember from this dream, but it was really weird and therefore noteworthy.

This morning I had a dream I was in the cockpit of an airplane (not flying it, I don't think) and as we're going in to land, we smash off the passenger side wing. As it's happening I seem to recall the same thing happening in another dream, but I don't acknowledge that I'm not in a dream now, rather that my dream before was a portent to the reality happening in front of me. Right after the collision, though, I wake up.

Brian posted at 8:08 AM.