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Friday, September 16, 2005

| | | DCU Superchase | | |

No plot from this morning is remembered. I only know many super-heroes from the DC universe - including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern - were involved. There was also an underwater chase scene, but I don't know who was chasing whom, and I'm pretty sure none of that gay Aqua Man was involved.

Brian posted at 10:58 AM.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

| | | Ooh La La | | |

I went back to work for one of my old restaurants (never mind that it doesn't exist anymore and that it was twice the size). It was called Ooh La La. It was my first day back. I get there and am pretty confident I can do well, eventhough I haven't done any fine dining waiting in years. I see one of the guys who I used to work with for minute, then another waiter. People are being seated by the hostesses. I go in the back to the kitchen to find my high school English teacher Ms. Destefano. I go back out to the dining room and I don't see either of the other two waiters. I realize that they've quit. The dining room is now almost completely full. I look around for an empty check book so I can go and take orders. I have trouble finding a blank one - they're all full. I find one with some room left and go to a random table. Everyone in the restaurant looks impatient and bored. Some look as though they've been sitting for a really long time. I go to take a drink order at the first table. Not only does she order a chardonnay by the full name that I try writing all of, but she wants to order her meal as well. I haven't trained with the menu, so I don't know what any of the food is like. I start to repeat back what I think she's ordered, but she corrects me disdainfully. I apologize and tell her it's my first day and that the other waiters quit.
I go to bring this order into the kitchen and Ms. Destefano is short with me because I haven't taken the order correctly. I remind her what I told the customer. She doesn't seem impressed.
I go back out into the dining room and continue trying to help people for a while before I wake up.
Ahh, work anxiety. Gotta love it.

Brian posted at 9:08 AM.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

| | | Sharks and Prostitutes | | |

Last week I was swimming in a pool with some other people. I don't remember who. Suddenly there were some sharks in the pool with us. I was attacked. I struggled to the surface as they had their way with me. I made it out of the pool and up onto the deck and I was relieved. At first I thought to myself that I was fine and thankful to have made it unscathed. Without even looking down at myself, though, I realized that the world around me was growing misty and white and that I had indeed suffered injuries and that the injuries were fatal. I felt like the world around me must have been disappearing as quickly as the blood was seeping from my wounds. I thought to myself, as the haze became a fog of whiteness, "goodbye, world." I was looking at the people swimming around me. They seemed unaware of the sharks. "At least I'm peacefully going - I made it out of the pool," I thought to myself.

Suddenly a shark somehow grabbed me from the deck and pulled me under. I struggled and gulped water and felt extreme panic before I woke up. It wasn't a violent awakening. I didn't scream or even feel that scared. It was just...there.

This morning there was a brothel behind the bar Roscoe's. I can't remember if I stumbled upon it or came to it by design. At first it seemed that I stumbled upon it, because as I took in my surroundings the reality was dawning on me. However, I seem to remember earlier having conversations with my straight friends about coming to this place, and, specifically, one of them telling me that I would be well-suited to this "job." Meaning prostitute. There were some details to back up the assessment, but I don't remember them. I think a liberal attitude towards sex, my eagerness to please people and my general gregariousness might have been touched upon.

So, to get in here, you climb a fire escape behind Roscoe's. There are all these beautiful young-ish boys as well as women. The eyes of both are on me and I feel wanted. Suddenly I am in their training program. I am a newbie. A rookie.

There are many rules. Especially about fraternizing with one another. It's allowed, but it's contained and controlled. It's actually mandatory - but it's actually timed. Several times a day, we have compulsory fraternization. We draw a lottery to see who we get to spend time with. There are a couple boys who I really want to draw. On this occasion I get this pretty attractive Asian dude. I'm awkward because I'm new. It dawns on me that this is actually useful for my training so that I can know how to act with Johns. The Asian guy is sweet, but he starts asking me if he can step on me. It confuses me and I don't know what he means and he starts telling me he wants to hurt me and degrade me, but he's being really sweet while he does it. He's almost pleading and a little sad. Before I can answer, our time is up and one of the trainers is inside our room telling us our time's up.

I go to another facility which is down Roscoe. It seems like a sort of upper classmen place. The guys here seem more experienced and more attractive. One catches my attention and my heart bursts.

I don't really remember much else from this dream. Snippets of strange details. What some of the women look like. Waiting in line to use the phone. Accidentally breaking a rule that everyone thinks will get me kicked out, but I end up getting away with it because of my newness.

Brian posted at 10:08 AM.