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Friday, June 24, 2005

| | | Party | | |

I'm attending some party. I arrive and I feel a little out of sorts. Almost like I'm high or something. Things aren't quite right. I go to the bathroom. While I'm peeing, I look out the window and the sky is this crazy azure with bright orange and purple clouds and it is profoundly beautiful. More beautiful even than the skies over Aix-en-Provence, France during sunset. All of a sudden, I realize that I didn't close the door to the bathroom and everyone can see me peeing. But because I'm feeling a little high, it doesn't bother me too much.

Later, I'm eating food that's out. The woman who seems to be throwing the party asks me questions and it occurs to me that she's asking me because she's trying to find out if I was invited. This, too, doesn't bother me.

There's some sort of musical performances going on at this party and I'm making my solo debut show. Only, I haven't exactly prepared. I think about how I might make songs with the equipment I seem to have brought, and have an outline of a plan. It's going to be pretty extemporaneous. Again, my high-feeling makes me not very anxious about this. It's all very strange.

Brian posted at 1:52 PM.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

| | | First David Hasslehoff, and now this?!? | | |

Last week I had a dream with David Hasslehoff in it. It also had K.I.T.T. (two t's?). I don't remember much from that dream now.

This morning I dreamt I was chased by two dogs. I was in Milwaukee on the eve of their "SummerFest." I've never been to SummerFest. I haven't even really spent any time in Milwaukee for that matter.

Anyway, there is this woman who is an interior decorator. And she works for another woman. The boss woman is domineering and has been stealing ideas from the other woman and, somehow, has made this woman lose all of her credibility. As a result, this woman has sort of gone off the deep end and become obsessed with proving that the boss woman is stealing her ideas. She devolves into something that looks a little like a homeless person and her teeth get all grey and gross.

Later, she poses as a maid and works for the woman again. How the boss woman doesn't recognize her I don't know. For the first time, my dream avatar, who is not me, enters the dream and I try and convince her that she shouldn't be doing this. She doesn't really listen.

In another part of the dream, I am being chased by these huge Dobermans. The manage to trample me and fight with me for a while, but I scare them off somehow. I think I'm okay after this, but when I look into a mirror (I'm me instead of a false avatar at this point), I see under my eyelid that one of my eyes is dented. It's really gross and disconcerting. I also have difficulty opening the same eye and I'm afraid that it's permanently damaged. I do manage to open that eye and see that it looks normal and that the dent seems to be higher up in the eye and this reassures me that I may eventually be okay except for the dent.

Brian posted at 11:16 AM.