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Wednesday, January 05, 2005

| | | Opening for The Dwarves | | |

Farewell Society, or some incarnation of them, was playing the Metro. That's my old band. I was on stage and we were setting up our equipment and I think there were more people in the band because there wasn't enough room on the stage for all the gear so the roadie had to put a big speaker on the ground below the stage. Basically it was a lot of waiting. I guess there were some technical difficulties or something because we were all basically standing around. And I remember feeling like I should be playing some "wasting time" music to at least give the audience something to be entertained by.

All of a sudden, the next band started coming onto the stage from backstage. It was clear that they were trying to make us get off the stage. Mike started playing a song. I didn't quite know what it was. I recognized it, but it was weird. (In retrospect it was an old, retired version of the Farewell song called "Dead to You." Nevertheless, me and the other band members did our best to keep up with Mike's attempt at playing a song. We sounded like crap.

That's all I rememember.

Brian posted at 2:20 PM.