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Friday, January 21, 2005

| | | Alias in my Dreams | | |

I was pretty much Alias. I remember having different missions and identities and that's about it. I was actually Alias, not someone like her. I looked like Jennifer Garner. I don't really remember anything else other than at some point I was looking for my new belt, which I just got from H&M (shown below), and I had accidentally purchased a black one instead of a white one.

Brian posted at 5:04 PM.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

| | | Naked Football | | |

The title says it all, pretty much. Basically I was playing football with a bunch of mostly naked guys. Some were in jock straps or underwear and everyone had some equipment on. It was organized. Like in a gym class. It was sexy, also like in a gym class. There was a coach or a teacher or something, but I don't remember him. I don't really remember much other than we were in a big field surrounded by bushes. I vaguely remember being outside the football field for a while and then going inside to play. The sexual undertones are almost exactly the same as that of my sexy locker room dream I had a few weeks ago. Except without the kid drowning in the puddle at the end.

Brian posted at 3:30 PM.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

| | | The Great Amusement & Supernatural Evil | | |


I'm a covert ops agent. I'm at this enemy stronghold which doubles as/bears a striking resemblance to a huge amusement park. It's possible that the "rides" double as death traps. I am working with other agents. The only one I remember somewhat vividly is a woman with medium-length brown hair. She looks kind of stereotypically comic book. Like MaryJane Watson from Spider-Man. There's a huge contraption about the size of a large building and is cylindrical in shape. Sprouting from the top is a metal disc making it look like a big metal mushroom. Downward crook-finger-shaped protrusions dangle from the disc and all end in seats. They are grouped together in bundles of maybe five or so. The other agents and I get into the seats and the mushroom head begins rotating while the seats begin lifting from the ground. As the seats get higher, the rotation of the head increases. Then the individual clusters of seats begin their own localized rotation. As they do so, the metallic claw-like protrusions take on a slightly more organic aspect. They become a little more like metallic tentacles. The rotations of the clusters becomes less strict and the seats start moving dangerously close to one another in their movements. We all stand on the seats rather than sit in them, wrapping one arm around the tentacle-like arms. Some of us have guns drawn. We avoid colliding with one another or with the metallic tentacles, as the speed now would injure or kill us or at the very least knock us to the ground - and we want to reach the top, for some reason.

Somehow, eventually, we reach some sort of apex where there is an arrival place, though there wasn't one earlier. We hop off the giant mushroom. I remember a little of us skulking through some sort of large compound. Warehouse-like. Or maybe like the interior of a parking garage. We reach this area that is some sort of waterslide. It is an intensely steep waterslide. Practically completely vertical. Possibly beyond vertical. I slide down this slide and it is so fast it is like the sensation of free-fall. As I reach the bottom of the slide, a fountain of water shoots up at me, cushioning my landing. The water is not cold. It's body temperature and feels very organic to myself.

Later, I remember riding in a car with my friends Mike and Dawn. We are listening to music. Some lost version of The Chandelier Swings, by Braid is playing. It is sung in Spanish. We remark that it is one of three versions of this song, even though as far as I know in waking life, there is only one.

There was another dream between these two, but it is lost to me now.

This Morning...

I'm with people who are vaguely bad. Like, lawbreakers. Maybe mafia or something more sinister, like spies. They are supernatural. We are in a tenement building or a hotel. We are loading a giant case with snakes in it into the "boss's" rooms. Inside the case, one of the snakes has the small head of a bald man. I recognize him in the dream, though he bears no resemblance to anyone I know in waking life. He kind of looks like that actor with the speech impediment from The Princess Bride. I look into the case and he opens his mouth and another normal snake, of the garter variety, it appears, slithers into his mouth, he moves forward, swallowing the other snake whole, expanding slightly. The act grosses my dream self out and I mention it to someone and somehow interpret it as "evil."

Either before or after this, there is a person who is injured somehow. The skin around their head and face has been damaged. We've harvested skin from a corpse (I don't know how the corpse was obtained) and have grafted it over the face of the person who was hurt. The result is monstrous. I remember the bandages (cloths) being removed from his head - he was swaddled, not wrapped - and his face looking very sewn-together. On Sunday night, I watched quite a bit of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season One and specifically in episode 10 or 11, entitled Nightmares, there is a"bad man" chasing a kid around who looks a lot like this guy from my dream.
Here is a cheap attempt for me to earn money. Click on this and buy it and I get like 10 cents or something. Thanks.

Brian posted at 3:27 PM.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

| | | skydiving and the doobie wraith | | |

In the first part, I'm skydiving. I'm not tandem, but my instructor jumps as well. I feel a little bit of the terror from the initial jump, that complete removal of any sense of solidity beneath me. Of course, since I didn't really jump from anything, it's not quite as intense, as I haven't jumped out of a plane in 8 years, so my memory isn't so fresh, even subconsciously. For some reason, I have my friend David's dog, Simone with me as I jump. I've decided I want to take a picture of her while in freefall. I don't know why it can't be after I've deployed the chute, but oh well. For another unfathomable reason, I have a knife in one of my hands, which I have to put in my mouth all Errol Flynn-Style while I hold Simone by the scruff and snap the picture using my digital camera with the other.
I have small bits of memory of the freefall, which is totally not real, because I am gliding along over the earth below me the way one would while after chute deployment. I traverse a good 1/2 mile, somehow. Where the velocity comes from I don't know. After taking the picture of Simone, I put her away, somehow, somewhere - or she disappears. I'd floated along over a small city, to the outskirts, where there's some open pasture. My instructor is ahead of me, has already deployed his chute. I suddenly realize I am very close to the ground and reach up for the deployment ring. The chute fills with air above me literally the moment before I touch ground. I am safe and elated by my gamble.

Later, I am at a house. I live with some amateur wizards who derive their powers from very nerdy sources such as Dungeons and Dragons books and Magic The Gathering playing cards. I don't really remember much from this part of the dream, other than one of the wizards summons a wraith and it is very scary and I am trying to leave the house, but I want to take a chair with me because I want to read outside the house, since it is nice out. I'm carrying this overstuffed chair toward the door and fortunately wraiths move slowly in my dream. Then another one of the wizards casts some sort of alteration spell at the wrait and turns it into this caricature of itself and it becomes cartoon-like and acts like it is high. I call it a Doobie Wraith. I escape the house and sit outside on my stuffed chair and begin reading I don't know what.

Brian posted at 9:42 AM.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

| | | Strong Presence = Comfort, security | | |

I was in a sort of commercial environment. Sort of seemed like a grocery store/department store. In the center of the store, though, was an apartment. Some of the employees maybe lived there? Either way, the apartment's existence wasn't known by the general public, it seemed. The apartment was very sparse, dilapidated. Pale green walls, I remember lightbulbs hanging bare suspended from thier single wires. There were a few guys in the apartment, but I only remember one. He was just slightly older than me. Dark hair. He's someone who I felt like I've known, but haven't seen in a long time. Even after waking, I felt like it was someone I know and care for deeply, but I cannot place their existence in my waking life. I distinctly remember a moment of reaching around him from behind, sliding my hands beneath his grey t-shirt and embracing him tightly. I felt very warm and safe and happy. He was a bigger guy and I remember feeling the hair of his chest under my fingers and hands. I don't remember any action in the dream other than that moment. Overall, the man reminds me of someone I've recently met and I can't help feel that vestigial feeling toward this guy. Very strange.

Brian posted at 10:29 AM.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

| | | Opening for The Dwarves | | |

Farewell Society, or some incarnation of them, was playing the Metro. That's my old band. I was on stage and we were setting up our equipment and I think there were more people in the band because there wasn't enough room on the stage for all the gear so the roadie had to put a big speaker on the ground below the stage. Basically it was a lot of waiting. I guess there were some technical difficulties or something because we were all basically standing around. And I remember feeling like I should be playing some "wasting time" music to at least give the audience something to be entertained by.

All of a sudden, the next band started coming onto the stage from backstage. It was clear that they were trying to make us get off the stage. Mike started playing a song. I didn't quite know what it was. I recognized it, but it was weird. (In retrospect it was an old, retired version of the Farewell song called "Dead to You." Nevertheless, me and the other band members did our best to keep up with Mike's attempt at playing a song. We sounded like crap.

That's all I rememember.

Brian posted at 2:20 PM.