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Friday, December 03, 2004

| | | House of Leaves | | |

Before bed last night, I began reading House of Leaves, by Mark Z. Danielewski (discussion of this book going on here). From what I understand about the book, it's sort of a book version of the now classic film, The Blair Witch Project.

I awoke about two in the morning from a nightmare. The book told me I would begin having them in the introduction and I had one. I don't remember much of the dream - I get the feeling I experience it non-sequentially, like many things happened simultaneously and, perhaps because I awoke suddenly, my mind had not yet sorted out the sequential order of them the way the mind normally does with dream time.

I often let my CD players play randomly throughout the night. Between the two of them, I play about 600 cd's and sometimes their sounds affect my dreams. When I awoke from this one, a song from the El Guapo album, Super/System was playing. From the only time I've seen El Guapo live, they're more of a dancey kind of DC band, but Super/System is quite noisy and experimental. This particular song had a repetitive, eery quality, like the sound of a skipping record from hell. I couldn't tell you the name of the song, but waking up to it after the time-displaced dream I'd been having was disorienting to say the least. I bolted up-right in my bed, the apartment it's customarily cold self, as it always is in the early mornings, yet I was dripping with sweat. The noise from the around me sounded supernatural (ha: Super/System;supernatural) and I twisted my body around peering through the darkness of my apartment for it's source, slowly realizing it was the stereo. I crinkled my eyes trying to focus without my glasses to see what band was playing. "Ah, El Guapo. Makes sense." My heart slowed its pace and after peeing, I went back to bed.

Brian posted at 11:31 AM.