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Monday, December 27, 2004

| | | Coupling and Planet of the Apes | | |

I was at a dramatic performance of Planet of the Apes. I only remember the end and that the last line was delivered a little poorly. I don't remember the words, but I remember that we weren't sure whether it was over or if it was the intermission. I was with Casey. I think it ended up being intermission because we got up and walked to the other side of the seating and talked to people in the audience, all of whom I knew and all of whom were couples (oddly enough, the same day one of the couples called me to say they'd be in town). I then realized that I've been to see this play many times. That's really all I remember.

Brian posted at 4:42 PM.

Monday, December 20, 2004

| | | Sexy swimteam locker room dream that ends in horror | | |

So, I'm on this swimteam and after the meet I go to shower in the locker room and there's this pervasive sexual undertone, but nothing overtly sexual. I remember taking off my trunks and wringing them out and that there was a little 1" button on them - you know the kind, that all the bands sell at shows. Anyway, as I'm wringing out my shorts, there's this little kid standing with his sister (I don't know what they're doing in the locker room) and they start to walk outside and there's a puddle of water and the kid says something about not wanting to fall in the puddle but then he does and it's very deep and he starts to drown and then I wake up .

Brian posted at 3:34 PM.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

| | | being chased by celebrity icons of violence | | |


The setting was a delightful amalgam of Andrew and Reavis high schools (both of which I attended during my high school year), Ikea Schaumburg and a Dominick's food store. The place served primarily as a school, I believe, except that there was ample shopping there as well. I get the sense that there was some sort of plot line occurring before the action I remember started, but this plot I do not remember, unfortunately.

What I do remember is that I was being chased by several cultural icons of strength and violence. Namely, Sylvester Stallone, Hulk Hogan and a couple others who I cannot remember now, but whom I can sense recognition. I think I was being chased because I was gay, but I'm not sure.

There was a gay undercurrent throughout, as I think I had a boyfriend. He is no one I recognize from Waking Life.

I also ran into several people who've hated me for my homosexuality throughout my life including two from High School and a guy I used to work with at the Candlelight Dinner Theatre. I can't remember any of their names now, but they disliked me. In my dream, though, they were all hitting on me and fondling me while we were waiting in line for something.

A great deal of the action of this dream was spent running and hiding. There were lots of places to hide and many places in this setting were dead ends, places I should not go (students not allowed and so forth) or did not lead where I wanted them to lead.

That's about all I remember.

Brian posted at 3:16 PM.

Friday, December 03, 2004

| | | House of Leaves | | |

Before bed last night, I began reading House of Leaves, by Mark Z. Danielewski (discussion of this book going on here). From what I understand about the book, it's sort of a book version of the now classic film, The Blair Witch Project.

I awoke about two in the morning from a nightmare. The book told me I would begin having them in the introduction and I had one. I don't remember much of the dream - I get the feeling I experience it non-sequentially, like many things happened simultaneously and, perhaps because I awoke suddenly, my mind had not yet sorted out the sequential order of them the way the mind normally does with dream time.

I often let my CD players play randomly throughout the night. Between the two of them, I play about 600 cd's and sometimes their sounds affect my dreams. When I awoke from this one, a song from the El Guapo album, Super/System was playing. From the only time I've seen El Guapo live, they're more of a dancey kind of DC band, but Super/System is quite noisy and experimental. This particular song had a repetitive, eery quality, like the sound of a skipping record from hell. I couldn't tell you the name of the song, but waking up to it after the time-displaced dream I'd been having was disorienting to say the least. I bolted up-right in my bed, the apartment it's customarily cold self, as it always is in the early mornings, yet I was dripping with sweat. The noise from the around me sounded supernatural (ha: Super/System;supernatural) and I twisted my body around peering through the darkness of my apartment for it's source, slowly realizing it was the stereo. I crinkled my eyes trying to focus without my glasses to see what band was playing. "Ah, El Guapo. Makes sense." My heart slowed its pace and after peeing, I went back to bed.

Brian posted at 11:31 AM.