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Friday, November 26, 2004

| | | "I must REALLY want a new computer" and "Galaga" | | |

Two days ago...

I was walking down what looked like Milwaukee Avenue near Ashland in Chicago, when I passed by my friend Greg Calvert from The Silent Treatment. He was moving somewhere and having a street sale. In particular, I was looking at a desk/hutch set complete with a Mac computer, a stereo with tape deck and some other doo-dads. He was selling the whole piece complete for $1000. The Mac computer was pretty new, so all in all it seemed like a really good deal, but I told him I needed to think it over. When I went back later, it was placed to the side and had been sold. That's all I remember.


I was a little teardrop-shaped space ship shooting balls of energy at invading insect aliens, somewhat like Space Invaders or Galaga. It all happened in a relatively realistic environment and me and the insects looked very real, or I guess surreal. Meanwhile, Erik with a K was also a little insect, but much smaller and not an invading alien. He was buzzing around me talking as I zapped the invaders, and avoided their little, slower-moving balls of destructive energy. He said many things, but the thing I remember most is, "You should get married, so you can sue Christmas." That's all I remember from that one.

Brian posted at 4:51 PM.