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Friday, November 26, 2004

| | | "I must REALLY want a new computer" and "Galaga" | | |

Two days ago...

I was walking down what looked like Milwaukee Avenue near Ashland in Chicago, when I passed by my friend Greg Calvert from The Silent Treatment. He was moving somewhere and having a street sale. In particular, I was looking at a desk/hutch set complete with a Mac computer, a stereo with tape deck and some other doo-dads. He was selling the whole piece complete for $1000. The Mac computer was pretty new, so all in all it seemed like a really good deal, but I told him I needed to think it over. When I went back later, it was placed to the side and had been sold. That's all I remember.


I was a little teardrop-shaped space ship shooting balls of energy at invading insect aliens, somewhat like Space Invaders or Galaga. It all happened in a relatively realistic environment and me and the insects looked very real, or I guess surreal. Meanwhile, Erik with a K was also a little insect, but much smaller and not an invading alien. He was buzzing around me talking as I zapped the invaders, and avoided their little, slower-moving balls of destructive energy. He said many things, but the thing I remember most is, "You should get married, so you can sue Christmas." That's all I remember from that one.

Brian posted at 4:51 PM.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

| | | Driving really fast backwards | | |

So, I don't remember much cuz this was from yesterday morning, but we've been to a party or something. It's late at night, close to morning. Twilight, we'll call it. I'm with Mike and Dawn, his girlfriend. We're driving around a suburban neighborhood that resembles Tinley Park. Mike gets frustrated and begins driving backwards down a side street very fast. It's kinda scary, Dawn and I don't know what to do.

Later, we're back at some party and we begin to realize that we've been time-hopping, going between alternate realities for some reason. This is very much like the concept of a comic book by Marvel called The Exiles. Anyway, we find out that there's a bomb some where in this dimension and if it goes off it will destroy the whole dimension - and so of course, we want to find it. We end up somehow figuring out that the bomb is inside the head of some girl with really fantastic make-up who ends up being a robot or something. Mike is able to defuse the bomb. Whew.

Brian posted at 11:30 AM.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

| | | Pool Etiquette, Compulsive Cleaning, an I Love You and a Movie | | |

So, it started at a pool at a health club to which my dream self belonged. It was a small pool, not quite a health-club size hot tub, but certainly much smaller than an olympic-size swimming pool. There were three families swimming in the pool. Somehow I knew that these people were new members and they had no idea how to act. The parents were letting their kids do anything. There was garbage floating around the pool and they'd even ordered a pizza and were eating it in the pool. Then I noticed one of the kids was drowning. He was kinda struggling under water and couldn't seem to get above the surface, so I saved him. The mother was like, "Oh, I was going to help him, I was just making sure he wasn't faking."
Later, when we were all leaving, I pointed out to the rest of the members that these families were behaving inappropriately and went on this weird tirade about how dangerous it was to have garbage floating in the water because you could accidentally inhale it and choke. I mentioned that I've been a member of the health club for 6 years and that it was clear that these people were new members. They felt bad and lowered their heads.
Yeah, kinda weird.
Later, me and some friends (no one I know in Waking life) are all cleaning an apartment. We're all sorta unmotivated and not doing a very good job, but then one of my friends decides that he wants to really clean and he starts like ripping up carpeting and scrubbing every surface really clean. It sorta catches on and we all start cleaning frantically and the same guy decides he wants to clean naked for some reason. So he takes his clothes off and then we all do and we're all cleaning naked and I realize we're getting ready for a party.
Soon, the party-goers start arriving and we freak out a little and run and hide to put on our clothes. One of the guys who was cleaning decides he's going to show a special movie to three of the party-goers. Before allowing them to view, he warns that the movie is "very intense" and wants to make sure they "can handle it." All three of them say that they can. The guy pulls out three pairs of special goggles. As they put the goggles on, it appears that there is a mirror on the back of the goggles and they see their own eyes. The beginning of the movie gives the illusion that they are taking the goggles off their face and that the environment around them is completely different. I don't really remember any part of the movie in the new environment, but I have the feeling that my mind created this vast weird psychedelic thing.

Another thing I dreamed was really weird. I dreamed that this guy I've been seeing and I were fooling around and he told me he loved me.

When I woke up the following morning, he was laying next to me and I was like, "either I dreamed this or you said it, but either way, it's really weird and awkward and I don't even know if I want to bring it up." We had been drinking the night before, so it seemed possible that I'd just blurred it out. And the more I thought about it, the more I remembered thinking, "did he just say that?" It was a really awkward thing because we haven't been seeing one another very long.

He'd mentioned Seinfeld a little earlier, and the whole situation seemed a little Seinfeldian.

Ultimately, it was a dream, Erik confirmed. We laughed about it. But it was still a little awkward.
I've been a member for 6 years
cleaning naked
movie that you enter
Erik's "I love you."

Brian posted at 5:54 PM.

Friday, November 19, 2004

| | | Something About Shopping | | |

I was at a Target or K-mart or T-Market or something like that. I was finishing up shopping. I had bought a LOT of groceries and had two shopping carts. At this shopping center you had to swipe your credit card in order to get a shopping cart and when you're done shopping, you get your card back. Weird. I guess I hadn't used my card to get both carts, and like found the second one or something. This woman who works at the store confronts me about this and tells me I have to use my card to get a cart and I look at her and ask her, somewhat angrily, "Are you serious?"
She tells me if I don't use my card to officially get another cart, she's going to take like 10 times the normal amount from my card, that she can easily find my card in the system. I was really mad at her. I tell her that she can keep her fucking cart and I push it, still fully loaded with half my groceries, back into the store and I watch it roll along and it bumps slowly but heavily into a fat woman inside the store. I feel a little bad about that, but at the same time feel temporarily vindicated. However I remember that she still has access to my credit card. So, I unload my groceries into this car I have in my dream and go back with my tail between my legs and my hat in my hand and look to see if my other cart's anywhere around - don't see it - and return this cart and get my card back.

That's all I remember.

Brian posted at 10:11 AM.