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Saturday, October 16, 2004

| | | Hernias are scary | | |

In the bright summer sun, I decided to take a jog. The air was warm and though I'd only just begun, perspiration began to form on my brow. Small rivulets forming trails along my face and neck. Trying to look sexy, I pull my jogging sweats a little lower, allowing the top of my tidy whities to peek out. I take a gander toward my mid-section and notice that I have not one, not two, but three hernias protruding from my lower belly. Now, I've only ever seen a hernia once, on a little chihuahua when I was in like 7th or 8th grade, so I only have a vague idea of what one would look like on a human male's stomach, but they looked like little postules of soft skin that pop out almost like little fleshy buttons. One of the hernias actually had one on top of another on top of yet another. Like a little rounded pyramid of hernias.

I woke up right after examining the little guys and couldn't seem to shake that feeling like they were there. I examined my belly a number of times. I think I'm having some body image issues as I head toward 30.

Brian posted at 9:57 AM.