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Thursday, October 28, 2004

| | | All-Star Dream | | |

All I really remember was that it was an all-star cast in my dream. But I only remember Molly Ringwald. I also remember it was set in the future. All the characters had weird make up. I stupidly watched a TiVoed America's Next Top Male Model last night and it was the episode where they do some androgynous photo shoot and Molly had the same make up as the guy with the blue star on his face who was in the cage.

Anyway, that's what I remember.

Brian posted at 10:58 AM.

Monday, October 25, 2004

| | | BUFFY! | | |

I was TV's Sarah Michelle Gellar, living in a huge compound. I think I may have been a student. Yes! Either a student of interior design or something more arcane, but having to do with the way a home or building is layed out. I remember having to lay out this three-dimensional floor plan out of museum quality matting paper and the professor would sort of cast this spell which would create lighting conditions for a specific hour of the day over each floor plan. The resulting shadows cast on each floor plan, I guess, was the point of the lesson.

Anyway, I, as Sarah Michelle Gellar, aka Buffy, was secretly being vied for by these five major magician-spirits of the school. Apparently, I was some sort of Harry Potter-esque protege and everyone was interested in my future. There are some major plot elements I'm not remembering, but I know they happened.

Brian posted at 9:40 AM.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

| | | Giant Robots and Tumored Primates | | |


I was on a farm somewhere. It was a clear summery day. An enemy of mine (though unknown to me in my waking life) was on the farm. He did something to challenge me, something confrontational that made me react. I slunk off to a nearby barn. I think it was the workshop of the farmer who lived there, because there were all sorts of parts for combines and tractors hanging on the walls and from the ceiling on chains. I starting grabbing huge pieces of metal and machinery and somehow incorporating them into my own body, my mass growing as I did so. Soon, I looked like a cool shiny giant robot. Now giant, I snuck back to the other barn where my enemy was. He had turned into a giant robot too!!! I ran past the opening to the barn he was in, hoping he'd give chase and I attempted to push a lawnmower in front of his path, but for some reason (perhaps it had been sitting for a long time and sunk into the ground?) it wouldn't move. He didn't end up coming out through the portal anyway, so I came looking round and he took a swing at me. I ducked and gave him a nice upper-cut, just like in Mike Tyson's Punch Out. Soon, we were grappling in some sort of a mechanical wrestle-mania. My opponent grabbed my metallic codpiece and the pain sent me into partial submission.
"Tactile sensitivity...force of habit," said I, strained.

This morning...

On my way to stay with a family whom I do not recognize from my waking life, we are passing through some sort of public space, like an airport. As I walk, I notice what looks like some sort of primate, perhaps an orangutan or a chimpanzee, sitting with a woman. I approach, because I think, "how cool, a big monkey (monkeys are not primates I know, in my waking life)." When I get close, I notice that the simian has a growth on it's forehead near it's left eye. It looks like some sort of tumor. I then realize that we may be in some sort of hospital or something and I ask if he's going to get some sort of animal surgery.
The woman is quick to correct that it is "pet surgery." I don't really understand the difference, but I wish her luck and I feel very bad for the little chimp.
Later, there is some action at the home of this family I am staying with, but I can't really remember it. Nothing too exciting, really, I'm not getting any sense of high emotional activity, just mundane things.
I see the chimp later with the woman. Post-surgery. This time I notice that he looks quite a bit more human-like and I feel that I may have made a mistake before. I think maybe he was always just a not very comely human - not a non-human primate. I feel a little gauche.
The baby primate looks a little weak, but the growth is gone. I ask if he is going to be fine and the woman points out with some sort of surgical-looking metal tool another area to which the cancer has spread and then she forces the mouth of the chimp/primate open, only it is not like a normal chimp mouth, it's more like some sort of weird alien mouth that I've probably seen in a movie before. It is a mouth like a t-intersection and he has four lips that end in sharp points almost like a 4-way beak. Inside his mouth it is somewhat slimey and she is showing me how there seem to be little growths in there as well.

Brian posted at 8:38 AM.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

| | | Cornicopious | | |

There were six squirrels running around, usually in pairs. It was driving my dog Lucky pretty insane, as he instinctually wants to shake them until they die.

Then, I had redesigned my website (as I have been semi-trying to do in waking life for weeks, unsuccessfully) and it looked great!

I was having an arguement with my friend mike about a song by An Automotive, I think it was "Mannequins are beautiful". He was saying how the music in it was heavy and not light, not airy. I was disagreeing. He said something to the effect that it wasn't technical enough. And then a Cap'n Jazz song came on. I thought it was odd that he'd use them as an example for anything, since he doesn't really like Cap'n Jazz.

I sleep with 600 different CDs playing on shuffle and this is what happens.

Brian posted at 10:44 AM.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

| | | Hernias are scary | | |

In the bright summer sun, I decided to take a jog. The air was warm and though I'd only just begun, perspiration began to form on my brow. Small rivulets forming trails along my face and neck. Trying to look sexy, I pull my jogging sweats a little lower, allowing the top of my tidy whities to peek out. I take a gander toward my mid-section and notice that I have not one, not two, but three hernias protruding from my lower belly. Now, I've only ever seen a hernia once, on a little chihuahua when I was in like 7th or 8th grade, so I only have a vague idea of what one would look like on a human male's stomach, but they looked like little postules of soft skin that pop out almost like little fleshy buttons. One of the hernias actually had one on top of another on top of yet another. Like a little rounded pyramid of hernias.

I woke up right after examining the little guys and couldn't seem to shake that feeling like they were there. I examined my belly a number of times. I think I'm having some body image issues as I head toward 30.

Brian posted at 9:57 AM.

Monday, October 11, 2004

| | | recurrence | | |

A common recurring environment of my dreams in the past has been the combination school/mall. For some reason, I've had dreams going all the way back to high school that take place in a space that's somehow a high school and a huge retail space, complete with escalators, greenhouse-like terraria, etc.

This morning I was there. It was darker than it used to be. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I haven't been to a mall in a while.

Outside it was even darker. I had to get to a bus to go home. It was pitch black with grey/black snow falling to the ground. It was also dead silent. It was so dark that I couldn't even make out the buses after I walked a great enough distance from the school.

Aside from a general eerieness I don't remember much from this dream.

Brian posted at 1:31 PM.

Monday, October 04, 2004

| | | something about work | | |

They say that once you start dreaming in a language you're learning, you've really started to incorporate it into your psyche. This morning I had my first dream that incorporated my new job. This happened quite quickly so I guess I'm excited. Not that it was a good dream. Basically all I remember is that people were pointing out the sales history and it looked like I was selling the worst of the shop and I was getting pretty upset that it looked like that. There were certain details of the environment I work in that are definitely specific knowledge and not just a dream that someone who doesn't know anything about the optical industry could have. So yeah, I'm dreaming in the optical language. That's pretty good, I think.

Brian posted at 9:26 AM.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

| | | technodream | | |

All I really remember was that there were James Bond-like gadgets. And I was some sort of agent.

Brian posted at 11:47 AM.