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Monday, August 23, 2004

| | | Global Warming, anyone? | | |

I was walking somewhere. I'm not sure of my destination, but I had to cut across a big field to get there. It was also somewhere that my dream self went the day before, because he remembered that there had been some small puddles in the field there. This time, I was distracted, and not really looking where I was going when I walked into a foot-deep puddle. The water was clear and cold and...rising. At first I thought, "the puddle is supposed to be way over there." But then the location seemed to be the least of my concerns, because of the rising level. It was rising quickly, so I veered away from the water, but there was a big building there, against which I came. The water rose to about my waist level. It was lapping against the glass floor-to-ceiling windows of the building. That's really about all I remember.

Last night I watched the newest episode of Six Feet Under, which talked a bit about global warming, and I'm assuming that's where this came from. But of course, there's also the archetypal interpretation of the deluge and its relationship to feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Most likely a combination of both.

Brian posted at 7:28 AM.

Friday, August 06, 2004

| | | David for President and Fear Factor for Dogs | | |

All I remember from my dreams last night is in one, my neighbor, David, who writes jingles for a living, was running for President, and that I was considering voting for him.

The other part I remember is that we were making my dog, Lucky, participate in some sort of weird trial of tests something like fear factor. We (I don't know who "we" was, but I was not alone) held Lucky down and along came a woman in a white Land Rover Defender. She got out and said she was from the San Diego Zoo and that and that she had some sort of spider. She was going to put some sort of liquid on Lucky that would make his back legs paralyzed and then place the spider in his ear for like 20 seconds or something. She had the spider in a little terrarium and plucked her out with little tweezers by grabbing her web. She said, "This is Spike," and put it in Lucky's ear.

Lucky couldn't use his back legs to scratch so instead just rubbed his head against his back legs in a strange contortioned movement. After about 15 seconds or so, she pulls the spider out of Lucky's ear and says, "C'mon Cathy."
I say, "I thought you said her name was Spike."
She says, "I just said that cuz you look like a punker."

That's all I remember.

Brian posted at 11:44 AM.