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Friday, July 30, 2004

| | | Changes | | |

I had to temporarily change the dream's look because it kept just not working. Hopefully I will be able to rememdy this in the near future.

Also, I tried to post from e-mail yesterday and it failed. It also failed again today. Now I'm cutting and pasting from my 'message failure' message. Shitty huh?

I was on a speed boat or a row boat - not exactly sure which, and possibly switching between the two. I was with someone else, but their identity escapes me now. We were fleeing someone in a larger boat. As they chased us, my view of the dream changed so that it looked like a video game - like an old atari game, maybe Activision's River Raider.

Suddenly I find the two of us rafting toward a grocery store. We're frantic. They're closing. We have to get there. The employees are gathering at the exit.

Once we get inside the vestibule, we rush directly to the candy/toy dispensers. All of a sudden, I start to remember this ritual. I've gone through it before in another dream. After I put fifty cents into the machine and get the egg, a demon will be called. It will scream. It will scream like those wraith-like things from Lord of the Rings. I'm not exactly sure why my dream-self wants to call a demon, but it seems exciting, so suddenly I (meaning the 'I' that's more just observing the dream) feel more fully vested in the whole thing. Thats all I remember.

Brian posted at 4:25 PM.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

First, it's Halloween. I have already gone trick or treating. I have lots of candy. I am eating some and I feel it eating away at my teeth, but it tastes so good. I am singing a song with some kids about candy. Specifically, about Pez candy. We spell out the word: P-E-Z!

Part 2 has me on a camping trip out in the woods. It is a hippie sort of affair. There's this sort of ring of cars and every car's owner has a specific role in the campground. I walk over to where one car is parked and the girl in front of me is receiving a musical instrument. Only the musical instrument seemed to be made almost entirely from used milk cartons. It's a string instrument and I think it only has one string, but when she plays it it is the most beautiful sound I've ever heard and I immediately want my own. I then notice that all of the musical instruments this guy's made are different!

In part 3, I am flying a type of personal spacecraft. I feel like I am in a star wars movie that takes place after "Return of the Jedi". Here's the situation. The Empire has rebuilt the Death Star, but this time, they have used advanced string theory physics and though it at first looks like the first death star - just a big sphere, they harness super powerful energy of some sort which causes super small curled-up space dimensions in and around the death star to unfold and it begins to transform into this huge mechanical sort of symmetrical parabola flower thing. Just as it's beginning to do this, though, I fly my space craft inside. See, I know that once the death star finishes it's transformation, it will be able to blast a galaxy-sized beam that could easily disintegrate any number of targets for hundreds of thousands of light years in any given direction.

So, I land my ship inside the death star and I begin running through this corridor. There is this woman with me and I think she's a Jedi, too (yeah, I'm a Jedi). I realize that I must be running at a super speed because all the empire troops seem to be moving impossibly slow and their lasers are easily dodged as I run. I shoot three down before any of them can react.

Toward the end of a corridor, I enter a room and there's a guy that looks like he's being held captive and he looks like this guy I know named Simon who used to live here in Chicago, but moved to New York. Anyway, I run on and the woman, who's body my consciousness now seems to inhabit, begins to untie the Simon-looking guy. As she does, he grabs her and starts to fight and I realize that he was actually in cahoots with the Empire and didn't want to be saved at all.

That's all I remember from this dream.

Brian posted at 10:56 PM.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

There is a "sidewalk sale" at Marshall Fields. It's indoors, but it's in the aisles and they're selling things they don't normally sell. I don't remember much other than I bought close to $500 worth of junk. Mostly jewelry and stuff. Actually, a lot of the stuff looked like things that might appear on my found blog. Specifically, I remember a baseball-sized dragon head that was made out of some sort of black stone that I recognized to be precious.

This dream came a little bit from The Simple Life 2: Road Trip which is that vapid reality TV show with Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie (sp?) which I have shamelessly been watching since its inception. In the last episode, the girls brought a 13-year-old girl out on a shopping spree and spent almost the same amount. I am interpreting the dream as a signal that my unconscious self is warning me not to spend money, as I have none.

Brian posted at 10:16 AM.