In this dream, I feel like at times I was kidnapped, and at other times I was the kidnapper. There were times when this person who was either a kidnapper or a kidnappee was a dolphin-faced man. I mean, he was regular Caucasian flesh colored, but had a long fleshy beak, like a dolphin. I specifically remember smacking him in his beak.
The settlng was a barely-furnished one or two-bedroom apartment. The bed was a mattress and box spring sitting in a corner in a bedroom which contained nothing else but some ugly curtains that were a gauzy white with light green embroidered bordering.
At other times I was free to go. I went downstairs and was suddenly at the eatery beneath the building where I once worked downtown Chicago. I ran into a girl I used to work with. Or a representation of her, because I don’t actually recognize her, but my dream self did. Someone I was with in my dream tried to give her a massage, but it made her uncomfortable and hurt her boob.
(Later, somewhere else, l remember hitting another girl in her boob.)
In this dream, there was no one I recognized from my waking life at all. It was quite strange.
Later, in the apartment, I guess we were having a party. I don’t think I was involved in a kidnapping anymore. But I think I had sex with someone at the party. I got drunk at some point. The next morning (in the dream), I woke up and the person who was the kidnapper was leaving the apartment and said something to the effect that I was free to go and I was vaguely aware of that phenomenon of captive people falling in love with their captors and feeling some sort of longing for this person, who now looked totally different than before. Sort of a masculine yet androgynous person with longish black curly hair. I realize that I have to get out of the apartment because it is going to be shown by a realtor (I don’t know how my dream self knows this, he just does).
When I go downstairs sort of a lot of things happen in a row that don’t really make sense. I cannot remember if I parked in the lot across the street (oh yeah, the location is a figment of my subconscious as well; I have no conscious knowledge of this location in waking life). Then I am with three guys and we are wiping down a car with a blanket or towels or something because it is suddenly very dusty and even dried up chunks of mud are on the car (it is black, don’t know what model).
Then, I have a flash of memory the same way one does after waking up after a night of heavy drinking and slowly piecing together things. I had parked my car (again, not my waking self’s car) on the street in a zone that it would be towed in (although I also had a vague feeling that it was going to be not towed, but demolished) if I didn’t move it quickly and remember smarting off to guys who worked at the place that the tow zone was related to or something and now I had to go be sheepish by them. There was a cop there and he asked me if I had been drinking a lot last night and I had to say no and he’s all like, “Well these guys seem to think that someone who parked the car was drunk, I wouldn’t want to arrest anyone.” And I was nervous as though he could really do it. And then I said, “wait, it’s just been towed?” And he says yes and I am relieved.
I woke up at 5:30 this morning and every half hour after that until 7 when I got out of bed officially, which may be part of the reason for this dream being so crazy and convoluted. Also, I am crazy too.
Brian posted at 10:52 AM.