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Tuesday, May 25, 2004

I was at a beach house. Most of the dream took place outdoors, however. I remember swimming and playing frisbee. There were all these people that I'd just met. It was like camp or something. It was a good, happy dream.

Brian posted at 10:18 AM.

Monday, May 24, 2004

In part of my dream, I was on the last episode of friends.

Not the real one, but my own, I guess. It probably had something to do with the fact that I saw David Schwimmer on Saturday night at a benefit. I didn't see chandler, but I saw rachel and ross and the brunette. I don't really watch friends too much so I don't know all their names. But in part of the dream, we got shrunk to fit inside this doll house. And inside the doll house were these paintings that had been shrunken down so that they could hang there. And I remember thinking, "so this is what these paintings look like this big," and holding them up appraisingly, eventhough they were now just proportionately small.

Later, I was at a friend's apartment or condo in a high rise building. Probably around the twentieth floor up. We were looking down at the street. It was almost dawn, I think. Dark and purpley. I don't remember much except that we were talking about which apartment we'd like to live in in the building and agreed that we wanted the one that faced the "north park," which was a park below the building.

Brian posted at 10:27 AM.

Monday, May 17, 2004

In this dream I was being chased by these two guys who I'd witnessed robbing someone. I ran from them and got a little ahead of them and turned a corner passing between two houses (they were my childhood home and the house next door) and somehow instantly set up a bunch of tools, etc. as though doing some yard work. They came around the corner and stopped and looked at me questioningly. In my hands, instead of gardening tools, were a paintbrush and a cup of water. I was kneeling on the ground as though about to do yard work, though. I stood up and said that I'd been there all along and brought one of the guy's attention to my paintbrush as though that would prove it and then I tried to stab him in the neck, eventhough the paintbrush was cheap and plastic. He brought his hand up to block and I ran again. They were still chasing me when I woke up.

Brian posted at 11:25 AM.

Friday, May 14, 2004

All I remember is being in a furniture showroom looking around at funiture, most memorably, a dining table that was upholstered bright red plaid material and matching chairs. I had to answer a cellphone (not the same one I have in waking life, but it was my dream self's phone) and had a conversation, the details of which completely elude me. I was in the showroom w/ Claude and our friend Linda Little.

Brian posted at 10:12 AM.

Monday, May 10, 2004

In this dream, I feel like at times I was kidnapped, and at other times I was the kidnapper. There were times when this person who was either a kidnapper or a kidnappee was a dolphin-faced man. I mean, he was regular Caucasian flesh colored, but had a long fleshy beak, like a dolphin. I specifically remember smacking him in his beak.
The settlng was a barely-furnished one or two-bedroom apartment. The bed was a mattress and box spring sitting in a corner in a bedroom which contained nothing else but some ugly curtains that were a gauzy white with light green embroidered bordering.

At other times I was free to go. I went downstairs and was suddenly at the eatery beneath the building where I once worked downtown Chicago. I ran into a girl I used to work with. Or a representation of her, because I don’t actually recognize her, but my dream self did. Someone I was with in my dream tried to give her a massage, but it made her uncomfortable and hurt her boob.

(Later, somewhere else, l remember hitting another girl in her boob.)

In this dream, there was no one I recognized from my waking life at all. It was quite strange.

Later, in the apartment, I guess we were having a party. I don’t think I was involved in a kidnapping anymore. But I think I had sex with someone at the party. I got drunk at some point. The next morning (in the dream), I woke up and the person who was the kidnapper was leaving the apartment and said something to the effect that I was free to go and I was vaguely aware of that phenomenon of captive people falling in love with their captors and feeling some sort of longing for this person, who now looked totally different than before. Sort of a masculine yet androgynous person with longish black curly hair. I realize that I have to get out of the apartment because it is going to be shown by a realtor (I don’t know how my dream self knows this, he just does).

When I go downstairs sort of a lot of things happen in a row that don’t really make sense. I cannot remember if I parked in the lot across the street (oh yeah, the location is a figment of my subconscious as well; I have no conscious knowledge of this location in waking life). Then I am with three guys and we are wiping down a car with a blanket or towels or something because it is suddenly very dusty and even dried up chunks of mud are on the car (it is black, don’t know what model).

Then, I have a flash of memory the same way one does after waking up after a night of heavy drinking and slowly piecing together things. I had parked my car (again, not my waking self’s car) on the street in a zone that it would be towed in (although I also had a vague feeling that it was going to be not towed, but demolished) if I didn’t move it quickly and remember smarting off to guys who worked at the place that the tow zone was related to or something and now I had to go be sheepish by them. There was a cop there and he asked me if I had been drinking a lot last night and I had to say no and he’s all like, “Well these guys seem to think that someone who parked the car was drunk, I wouldn’t want to arrest anyone.” And I was nervous as though he could really do it. And then I said, “wait, it’s just been towed?” And he says yes and I am relieved.

I woke up at 5:30 this morning and every half hour after that until 7 when I got out of bed officially, which may be part of the reason for this dream being so crazy and convoluted. Also, I am crazy too.

Brian posted at 10:52 AM.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

All I remember from last night's dream is lots of Dogs, including a Great Dane. It was brown.

Brian posted at 12:13 PM.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

I was at this doctor's office. The doctor was actually this guy with whom I'm acquainted who is an accountant in real life. I haven't been to see a doctor in a reallly long time cuz Claude is a doctor, so it's weird I should be visiting one in my dream. Anyway, I don't remember much, but that this guy was trying to hit on me during the examination.

When I left, there was a huge field outside and it was the dead of winter. There was a huge field outside the building, which seemed more like an apartment complex than a doctor's office, and the field was covered in ice. I realized that I'd forgotten my jacket. I wasn't cold, though. The jacket I'd forgotten is a pretty light-weight suede jacket I own, so it's not like it would have helped in those tundra-like conditions. The doctor said he'd go get my jacket for me and I waited. I got the feeling he didn't want me to come in again. I think he came back and I started walking across the field.

That's all I remember.

Brian posted at 9:00 AM.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

I was watching these girls at a party playing this sort of game that looked almost like a ritual. It involved a large glass hexagonal glass chamber with steel framework. Inside the chamber about 5 or 6 feet from the ground were little circular rings about 1 and a half inches in diameter projected out slightly like little sconces. The girls (there were six of them, around late teens or early twenties; they reminded me of girls from Beverly Hills 90210 or Charmed) began the game/ritual by filling the chamber with red wine up to about the same level as the sconce thingies. I don't know exactly how it filled with red wine, but it did. Next the girls began trying to lob little test tubes over the lip of the chamber, which was open and tapered at the top (it wasn't sealed). Despite being filled with wine, if they missed (amazingly only two of them missed) the test tubes cracked on the floor anyway. The next portion of the game/ritual, the girls lobbed hard boiled eggs - already peeled - over the lip with spoons that were in their mouths. Again, if they missed, the eggs would shatter. This time it was even weirder because I would watch the eggs, which were peeled, hit the water, fall through the red murk of the wine lazily, and ever-so-gently touch the ground and crack apart and shatter, as though hollow. All that happened sort of both as a simultaneous act and as a protracted series of events, as though I were seeing the future in an instant - like I could just sense the whole sequence of events.

Later, the girls drain the chamber and I think it's a real waste of wine. I, for some reason, decide to go inside the chamber, and suddenly realized I am naked. I am not upset or anything, it's more like a casual observation. I realize that there's broken glass on the floor of the chamber (I think I got inside through a swinging door, if you're wondering) and say, "Oh, I probably shouldn't be in here."

Later still, I go upstairs (this all must have taken place in a basement of someone's home) and go to let the dogs out. Two of them are mine, Lucky and Racecar, and there is a third dog, whose name I do not know, but is a brown standard poodle. I open the door and there is no gate. I trust my dogs, but realized that I don't really know this other dog so I panic a little and chase it. I catch it and hold it down to the ground out in the front yard.

That's all I remember from my dream this morning.

Brian posted at 7:52 AM.