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Wednesday, March 24, 2004

All I remember from my dream this morning was that someone was gathering animals (possibly me) and they were denying building an arc. There were several framed pictures of paired animals except there was one picture of cartoon M&M's.

I am pretty sure this dream was culled from the fact that recently I read a post off the blog maintained by the guy from TV on the Radio, called Young Liars. He's got quite a good blog going there, I think you should check it out.


Brian posted at 6:48 AM.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

I had a dream about blogging today, but I don't really remember anything about it except the Blogger interface screen. Pretty weird.

Brian posted at 8:38 AM.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

All I remember from this morning's dream is that when I woke up I had the song "Stop Whispering" by Radiohead, off their album Pablo Honey stuck in my head, and my dream was the only place I could have gotten it from. I haven't heard that album in maybe a year, and it was so removed from my consciousness, that I forgot the name of the song less than an hour after I woke up. Weird.

Brian posted at 1:13 PM.

Monday, March 15, 2004

I was in a house. It was big. Someone was chasing me. It was kinda like the Shining. Claude may have been the person who was chasing me, which makes it even more like the Shining. At one point, I noticed that the house had three different dining rooms with really really long wooden dining tables in them and all pretty adjacent to one another. And also in two of them, the same two women were eating. I began to realize I was dreaming. This is the first time this has ever happened. So, I remembered from the movie Waking Life that light can't be modulated in the dream world, and to test whether or not you're dreaming, you should try and flip a light switch. So I spent time looking for a light switch while I was running from maybe Claude. When I found a light switch, I went to flip it down, but it sort of crumbled and fell out of the wall as I flipped it. This is quite amazing because it seems like my mind was trying to sabotage my test of whether or not I was dreaming. If the switch was broken, then the test becomes inconclusive. Regardless, I then knew it was a dream, but I woke up from the shock. I immediately wanted to fall back to sleep, which I did. And I was even able to re-enter somewhere near where I left. I don't remember much other than I squished claude into a small blue cylinder. The shape vaguely reminded me of a small blue bead I found recently.

After I squished him, I forgot that I was dreaming again, and he also regained his true shape. I told him that I took a job at a Starbucks cuz I needed to supplement my income and it was also a favor or something. I go to report for work. I'm scheduled for a five hour shift and it's an afternoon shift. For some reason, we also serve pizza. I guess the manager thought I was experienced with Pizza-Serving-Starbucks protocols, because she stationed me at the oven. Things quickly got out of control and I was really frustrated and for some reason, the dishwasher was positioned right next to the pizza oven and the pizzas kept coming out of the oven (it was a conveyor-type oven) and going straight into the dishwasher, thus, of course, ruining the pizzas. I kept almost burning my hands and I didn't quite know what tools to use to get the pizzas out of the oven and it seemed like every time I turned around, there was pizzas either in the dishwasher, or stopped up and thus the conveyor would be blocked up and pizzas were stuck inside the oven and burning.

Finally, I went up to the manager and said something like, "look, I don't know what you think you're doing, but there's five people working here and I shouldn't be working by myself." And she says something like, "so, you're telling me we need five people to take a few pizzas out of an oven?" She was really snide. She reminded me of an english teacher I never liked. I said, "I don't need this," as I took off my green apron.

As I was leaving, I realized that I forgot my backpack, so I had to go back. And then I also realized that my friend Kristen, whom I used to work with at Starbucks, was just starting her shift, so I felt bad that I quit. I was looking all over for my back pack and weirdly, my manager and everyone else ignored me as I looked for it.

When I woke up, my bag was sitting right next to my bed and I laughed. I hate waking up from dreams where I dreamt I lost something, because it feels like relief but also sillly, because I was just so terrified I lost my bag in the dream.

Brian posted at 11:57 AM.

Friday, March 12, 2004

This morning I dreamt that I lived somewhere in the countryside. It was a strange melange of an environment, because it was partially a house I used to live in in Tinley Park, which is a upper middle class suburb south west of Chicago, and partially somewhere really rural, because across the street was a huge pastoral valley. But even more strangely, it was oddly urban, which I'll share why in a second.

So anyway, in this dream, I own a little white goat. It's very cute. Whatever a baby goat is. I don't know (right here is a great opportunity for the zoologically inclined to post a comment about what exactly a baby goat is). A kid? Anyway, the baby goat is my pet in the dream. I don't know his name, and usually just say "hey," to get its attention.

At one point, and this is where it gets sorta urban, these four young African-American kids are chasing the goat. They are in their early teens. One of them carries something that could be a gun. I chase the kids and tell them that if they do anything to him "I'll fucking kill you." I was really angry. Uncharacteristically so.

Later, I find that I am working in a women's couture clothing store. It is my first day. One of my co-workers is a drag queen named Ninah. It is Ninah's birthday and we are setting up the store for her party. During my first day, which is cut short for the party, I make my first sale. I don't remember all of it, but I know there was at least one baby-T. I remember going into the back room and when I come back in front, all of the sales merchandise has been moved somewhere and the store is completely bare. I guess they were still going to decorate for the party.

Ok, even later in the dream, I'm at band practice and we're working on new material. Mike says he really wants to write an abstract weird song. I get kinda mad because every time I want to do something weird, he doesn't want to.

That's all I remember.

Brian posted at 4:12 PM.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

I had two pretty weird dreams this morning.

The first, which was much longer, took place in a house I've never seen in the conscious world, but seemed to be familiar with in my dream. We (and we consists of several of my late-childhood friends and this girl I met while studying in France) are in the basement watching a movie. It is either a fantasy movie like Lord of the Rings or a horror movie with vampires or demons. For some reason, the outcome of the movie has a direct result on whether we are going to sacrifice my friend Liz (from France) to either the Dragon or the Demon. I remember that while watching the movie, she was sitting under a blanket in front of me and started to fall asleep so we made some noise to wake her up and she got really pissy and yelled at us really crassly. Something like "shut the fuck up, assholes," or something like that. Then we all responded with equal crassness. Later in the dream I remember walking around the rest of the basement and my friend Mike had a bedroom there. I was looking for something in his room. I think we were on some sort of treasure hunt that also related to the movie. Mike had a bunch of tapes of music and that must of been one of the items. He was using a Dada tape, the title of which was made up but looked something like "Oo-ah-oi-ah-oh." He was really proud of the tape, too. Kanok was in the dream too. And so was Rick.

Later, in I think a different dream, I'm in the ER of a hospital and this Indian doctor, a female, is working on a patient. He is speaking, but his voice is muffled. He is laying on his stomach. She tells him to roll over and he does and now I can hear him more clearly. He is complaining about having to roll over and that people keep poking him in the face. It's now that I see that the head on his shoulders is sort of a false head. His eye sockets are empty and the expression is blank. He has another face on his chest, that sort of sticks out half way. He has real eyes and a mouth on this face. It was quite spooky. The Indian doctor was not pleased with my presence in the ER. That's all I remember.

Brian posted at 10:04 AM.

Friday, March 05, 2004

I dreamt I was Stormshadow, from the G.I. Joe cartoons, this morning. In the beginning I was wearing his trademark mask, but later I took it off and I don't know what I looked like underneath. I remember early in the dream I did some pretty cool acrobatics which involved jumping up onto some El tracks.

Later, I was in this high security building. I was on some sort of mission but I left my coat upstairs, so I didn't leave and "they" ended up locking the doors, so I couldn't get out, which was OK cuz I didn't want to leave without my coat. I was hiding underneath this table (I remember at one point also it was dark and I hid near a bicycle, too) and the grunt of the main guy who was looking for me spotted me. He came near me and I pleaded him with my eyes and he sort of patted my head and then backed away. I remember he was latino and had frizzy hair.

Later in the same dream, I was painting with these two or three girls and one of the girls was a major snot and putting down me and the other girl. I think I was still a guy at this point, but I'm not really sure. Anyway, the snotty girl took the nice girl's painting and threw it (I think it was her painting, it was something. At this point, I don't think I was Stormshadow any more, or I was a reformed Stormshadow interested in painting.

Brian posted at 12:01 PM.

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

This morning I dreamed I was on a commercial air liner. I don't know where I was going or where I was coming from, but I got the distinct feeling it was an international trip. Maybe Chicago to London or vice versa? Anyway, what was really cool was we were up pretty high and all of a sudden the pilot starts flying as though he's making evasive maneuvers, like we're diving and rolling and I can feel the acceleration and the strangest thing was that I had a pilot's eye view of our flight path, as though I were looking straight ahead into the horizon as we flew. I definitely wasn't piloting the plane, though. I didn't get the sense that it was scary, like we were avoiding anything or terrorists or anything. It was just fun.

Interestingly, in the film Waking Life (an excellent, highly recommended movie, by the way), there's a segment that talks about the fact that in dreams, one can't alter the level of ambient light. Like, if you were to flip a light switch, the light level in the room shouldn't change. But in my dream, we were flying in near-darkness and then we changed course and we were flying into a brilliant, orange and red hued sunset horizon. It was very bright and beautiful.

The next thing I knew, I had fallen asleep in my dream and it only felt like a couple minutes, but we were already landing at our destination. But it felt like it was too quick and that maybe we had landed somewhere in an emergency. What was really strange was the fact that at the end of the runway, there was a sort of conveyor that took the plane to a lower level. If anyone has been to the Ikea that has the shopping cart escalators, it was very much like that, except for planes. Not surprisingly, I was to Ikea this past week.

That's all I really remember from the dream, though.

And this was an IM conversation I had with someone earlier today:

bhofmeister13: Hey J
PumpkinMonkey13: Hey Brian, whats up?
bhofmeister13: not much
bhofmeister13: I was wondering
bhofmeister13: did I talk to you on the phone recently?
bhofmeister13: did you call me?
bhofmeister13: I think maybe I dreamed you called me and I'm just realizing now that it was a dream
bhofmeister13: that's pretty weird
PumpkinMonkey13: lol...had to be a dream
bhofmeister13: that's funny
bhofmeister13: yep, musta been
bhofmeister13: OK, thanks
PumpkinMonkey13: no problem
bhofmeister13: I'll have to add this to my dream blog now.

Brian posted at 1:02 PM.