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Thursday, February 19, 2004

More dreams this morning.

This time they all pretty much flowed together somewhat seamlessly, though they were each pretty different. I know I had three dreams, but at the moment I only remember any details from two. And the details are shabby, at best.

The first dream takes place at a home of amalgam construction. I only recall that it is somewhat large and not particularly lavish, but, you know, not poorly furnished either. I am with several of the members from the band Ratbag Hero, as well as other people, whom I do not know in the waking world. We are there to record music. But not rock music, as one might expect knowing either me or the Ratbag guys. Instead, we're recording music with a grand piano. Some guy I don't know is playing piano. He kinda looks like this guy Mark who recorded two songs on the Farewell Society EP. Anyway, I remember setting up a mic near the piano and that we were recording and people were talking during the recording and thinking we were going to have to do the take again.

Shortly after this, I was leaving the house we were recording at and we were walking through this sort of parking garage. All of a sudden, I am no longer my self from my waking life, but some sort of super hero. I sort of saw myself outside of myself, so I know I was a little more muscular and had thick dark hair. I don't know what my powers were. I don't remember much from this part of the dream, only that I was part of some sort of team, and that I'm pretty sure we are mutants, like from the Marvel comics universe. I also remember that someone called Magneto was escaping, but that it didn't look anything like Magneto. He was pretty high in the sky when my character says, "want me to go after him?" to our apparent leader, whom I think was female. Obviously, this meant that I could probably fly in my dream, but alas, she says, "no, you'll never catch him now." I seem to also sense at this moment that my hands tingled, as though they were itching to fire off bolts of energy or something. It was a very adrenaline-powered moment in my dream. I awoke shortly after this and tried to go back to sleep to resume it, but couldn't.

Brian posted at 8:01 AM.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

This morning I had two dreams that I remember.

The first involved me living once again in my childhood home in Burbank, IL, where I lived from age 10 to 16. Only, I was my adult self, at age 28 (presumably). The house looked pretty much the way it did those years ago, only I owned my two dogs, Lucky and Racecar. I remember getting home and both dogs had obviously shat all over the house. I was trying to clean it all up and got stuff all over my hands and it was very disgusting. I got a wet rag and it just made things worse. That's really all I remember about this first dream.

The second dream seemed to flow right out of the first one. I wandered into a huge gymnasium, inside of which were piled several giant stacks of wood and scaffolding and other materials in what was sort of a complex series of elevated catwalks. As I walked into the gymnasium, a doorway on the other end was being opened and out were pouring groups of weird, zombified individuals. I somehow sensed that I needed to get on top of the scaffolding because soon the gymnasium was going to be filled with water, killing the zombies. I remember that there were other non-zombies around me and that they, too, wanted to get up on top of the scaffolding. I was yelling to those people, but I don't recall what we were saying to each other. I think it was almost like a big game or something. Like a gameshow. I woke up before the water started pouring into the gymnasium.

Brian posted at 2:50 PM.